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Kevin Baharvand

Dr. B graduated on the top of his class from Boston university, a world renown dental school. Upon his graduation he was inducted to the Omicron Kappa Upsilon honor society which is awarded to the dentists with uncompromised achievements during their dental education. Shortly after, he received the prestigious American Association of Periodontics award.

Kevin Baharvand

Julia Kang

Being an orthodontist was not Dr. Kang’s first job choice. She dreamed of becoming a professional classic pianist since the age of 4. Dr. Kang started playing piano since a very young age and continued receiving advanced levels of art education at Seoul Arts Academy, a renowned institute for the young and gifted artists. Dr. Kang’s studies profoundly shaped her ability to transform a vision into reality. “I truly love classical music. It is more than just the sound; it is about the discipline and the order it has brought to my life” said Dr. Kang.

Julia Kang

Dr. Roberts

Dr. Roberts received his Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree from the University of Illinois Dental School in 1985. He then spent two years in a dental residency at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio (UTHSCSA). Dr. Roberts has been practicing dentistry in Dallas since 1987 and received the “Young Dentist of the Year” award in 1990 from the Dallas County Dental Society (DCDS). He also served on the DCDS board of directors from 1992-1996 and as president of the North Texas Dental Society in 2005-2006. Currently, he is a Fellow of the American Association of Hospital Dentistry (FAAHD). Additionally, Dr. Roberts served for over a decade as an adjunct assistant professor at the UTHSCSA, and he lectures nationally in the areas of dental surgery and IV sedation. Throughout his career, he has actively advocated for improvements in both dental safety and access to care in numerous venues. He also co-founded the Koerner Center for Surgical Instruction, which provides continuing education training courses in oral surgery to dentists across the country.

Dr. Roberts
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